Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Book review #800

Last night I noticed that the review I posted earlier in the day was No. 800. An unofficial Guinness World Record for Civil War book reviews? Es muss sein.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, John. Sometimes when I'm in the middle of a particularly plodding tome I wish I reviewed movies instead, but the feeling goes away with the next one.

  2. If I'm not mistaken, Percival was the brother of Thomas Fenwick Drayton, a Confederate brigadier that briefly served in the ANV and was transferred to the TMD in late '63/early '64, where he was ultimately relieved of field command just prior to the Red River Campaign.

    Bill Gurley

    1. That's right.

      He didn't seem to fit in too well in the TM.

  3. Congratulations on what is surely a record! Your output and quality astound and inspire me.
    Will Hickox


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