Thursday, January 30, 2025

Coming Soon (February '25 Edition)

Scheduled for FEB 20251:

Gettysburg: The Tide Turns - An Oral History by Bruce Chadwick.
Thunderbolt to the Rebels: The United States Sharpshooters in the Civil War by Darin Wipperman.
Fractured Freedoms: Reconstructing Central Louisiana by David Ballantine.
Trouble, Trials, and Vexations: The Journal and Correspondence of Rachel Perry Moores, Texas Plantation Mistress ed. by Thomas Cutrer.
Hidden History of Civil War South Carolina by D. Michael Thomas.
Hundreds of Little Wars: Community, Conflict, and the Real Civil War ed. by Schieffler & Stith.
Cape May County and the Civil War by Ray Rebmann.
The Civil War and the Rise of the American Petroleum Industry by Allen Mesch.
Lincoln's Last Card: The Emancipation Proclamation as a Case of Command by Richard Ellis.
New York City in the Civil War by White & Orr.

Comments: A couple of these, the books from Wipperman and Thomas, arrived early. See their Booknotes entries here and here.

1 - These monthly release lists are not meant to be exhaustive compilations of non-fiction releases. They do not include reprints that are not significantly revised/expanded, special editions not distributed to reviewers, children's books, and digital-only titles. Works that only tangentially address the war years are also generally excluded. Inevitably, one or more titles on this list will get a rescheduled release (and they do not get repeated later), so revisiting the past few "Coming Soon" posts is the best way to pick up stragglers.