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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Upcoming books - Wilson's Creek and Brown Water Navy

The Battle of Wilson's Creek has received a good amount of able attention over the years. Ed Bearss wrote an excellent tactical study, The Battle of Wilson's Creek, in the 1960s that has gone through several reprintings and still holds up well today. More recently, Piston and Hatcher expanded our understanding of the battle with their book, Wilson's Creek : The Second Battle of the Civil War and the Men Who Fought It. While inferior to the two previous works mentioned, William Brooksher penned a brief account of the entire campaign titled Bloody Hill: The Civil War Battle of Wilson's Creek.

In November, a brand new volume, part of the McWhiney Foundation Press's Civil War Campaigns and Commanders series, will be published by the Texas A&M University Press consortium. Campaign for Wilson’s Creek: The Fight for Missouri Begins is written by Jeffrey Patrick, the librarian at Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, so there's reason to hope for something good in there.
Gary Joiner continues his feverish publication pace with Mr. Lincoln's Brown Water Navy: The Mississippi Squadron. The strongest elements of Joiner's extensive Red River Campaign work deal with its waterborne aspects, so this study should be worthwhile. It is scheduled for a September 07 release by Rowman & Littlefield (part of the American Crisis Series). A Table of Contents and sample chapter are posted now at the link above. I just received a copy of this book a few days ago, so look for a review to be posted here in the near future.

A few other interesting sounding titles scheduled for release over the next few months include two Kentucky-related biographies, one of Stephen Burbridge (link), and a new Jerome Clarke, aka guerrilla Sue Mundy, manuscript.


  1. Drew,
    As always, thanks for highlighting new titles relating to the naval aspects of the war. I've already added this one to my Amazon wish list (which has gotten to be almost six pages long).

  2. Andrew,
    Glad to hear you find it useful.


  3. Drew,
    As a follow up, Rowman-Littlefield has a book booth at the conference I am currently attending and all the books are 50% off. Yeah, I picked up a copy of Lincoln's Brown Water Navy at that discount price. I mentioned to the publisher's representative that I had found out about it on your blog. She was very happy to hear that.


  4. Andrew,
    Thanks for the plug. I didn't realize publishers offered such steep discounts at those conferences. Great deals. Hopefully, we'll read your thoughts about BWN on your blog after you finish it. I plan on getting to it fairly soon.


  5. Drew,
    To tell you the truth, most publishers don't offer those kinds of discounts except possibly on the last day of the conference (I guess they don't want to ship too many books back out). Conference discounts usually run anywhere from 20-30% in my experience, so this was a rare opportunity.



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