Regular rundown of book purchases or review copies received so far this month:
The Final Battles of the Petersburg Campaign: Breaking the Backbone of the Rebellion
by A. Wilson Greene (University of Tennessee Press, 2008 2nd ed.). Model study is a descriptor too often bandied about, but Greene's history of the final moments of the Petersburg Campaign is truly such a work. For new readers and those who missed out on obtaining a personal copy of the Savas Publishing first edition, this 2nd ed. from UTP should be most welcome [note: the title and subtitle have been reversed between editions].The Civil War in West Virginia: A Pictorial History
by Stan Cohen (Quarrier Press, 1999 rev. ed.). An earlier edition I glanced through left me unimpressed, but this expanded & revised publication is a fine collection of photos and maps.Tainted Breeze: The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas, 1862
by Richard B. McCaslin (LSU Press, 1997).The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
eds. Robert W. Johannsen and James L. Huston (Oxford University Press, 2008). 150th Anniversary reprint edition, with new introductory essay.
Darnit! I already have the Savas version of Greene's Petersburg work, but I tend to be a completist, so I'll probably get the next version too. As for others reading this entry, I want to second Drew's praise of this book. It is an excellent battle study with numerous maps.