1. Camp Nelson, Kentucky: A Civil War History
This book is a compilation of primary source documents tracing Camp Nelson's evolution from military base to refugee camp.
2. Pillars of Power: Steps Toward Secession
Covering the events of 1861, this is the first of a four volume series tracing the history of the Civil War in Arkansas from a "Confederate point of view". The first 100 pages is a fairly horrific slog through competing viewpoints on the legality and prudence of secession on a national scale. It improves somewhat when it finally gets to discussing the perspectives of Arkansas's unionists and secessionists.
3. The Boys of Adams' Battery G: The Civil War Through the Eyes of a Union Light Artillery Unit
At least in terms of the primary source-heavy research effort, my first impression of Grandchamp's history of Company G 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery is a positive one.
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