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Saturday, November 22, 2014

B&G Volume 31 Issue #1 "The Bermuda Hundred Campaign"

I am aware of only two major Bermuda Hundred Campaign histories, William Glenn Robertson's Back Door to Richmond: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, April-June 1864 and Herbert Schiller's The Bermuda Hundred Campaign both published in the late 1980s.  I read Robertson and liked it very much, but have never opened a copy of Schiller before.  Blue and Gray first featured the campaign way back in Vol. VII (presumably with Robertson as author) and they revisit the subject with Schiller in the upcoming first issue of Vol. XXXI. The magazine used to have a 'dueling historians' sidebar every once in a while and I seem to recall Schiller and Robertson pitted against one another on the question of whether Butler was, as the saying went, "corked in a bottle" or not.  I don't recall who believed what or which writer made the strongest case but it appears Schiller has another opportunity to state his opinion.


  1. Drew, I'm pretty confident those are the only two which exist. Other than those books and these two Bermuda Hundred B&G issues, if you're interested in the campaign you're probably reading the Official Records, regimental histories, magazine articles on battles, and first person accounts any way you can find them.


  2. It would also be nice to see an account written up of the Bermuda front after May 1864. It became a "quiet front" by Civil War standards, but there were a lot of little clashes in the area, the Trench's Reach battle in January 1865, and a fairly large and costly attack by the 10th New York Heavy Artillery on the day Petersburg fell. Longacre's "Army of Amateurs" is decent but limited for this period.
    Will Hickox

  3. I really like Robertson's work on the campaign. Really clear writing and great maps.

    Someone mentioned Longacre's 'Army of Amateurs' Also, his book 'Regiment of Slaves' has a interesting perspective on the campaign from a USCT perspective as does Trudeau's excellent 'Like Men of War'.


  4. Just got it and based on a skim this looks pretty good - accompanied by the usual excellent Roth maps and tour guide. In his note, Schiller generously recommends Robertson as well as his own book.

    1. I am always the last person in the country to get my issue.


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