• Texans at Antietam: A Terrible Clash of Arms, September 16-17, 1862

The book is divided into chapters by unit (1st, 4th, and 5th Texas, the 18th Georgia, and the Hampton Legion infantry), with additional chapters comprising 'general and commander' correspondence and testimonials from individuals outside the brigade and from both sides. In addition to the series of documents presented therein, the unit chapters include background and organization information. The editors also added select biographical summaries to the leader correspondence chapter.
The vast document collection contained in the volume was drawn from both published and unpublished sources, and the text is annotated. Just how thorough the source search was conducted is something I can't personally speak to with any kind of authority, but Ted Alexander, who is an authority, offers effusive praise of the editors's research efforts in his introduction. Photographs and a map also grace the book's pages.
Joe Owen does good work, and is extremely knowledgeable on the subject. If this is your cup of tea and his name is on it, then it is worth owning.