• The Union Assaults at Vicksburg: Grant Attacks Pemberton, May 17–22, 1863 by Timothy B. Smith (UP of Kansas, 2020).

From the description: "Establishing a day-to-day—;and occasionally minute-to-minute—;timeline for this crucial week, military historian Timothy B. Smith invites readers to follow the Vicksburg assaults as they unfold. His finely detailed account reaches from the offices of statesmen and politicians to the field of battle, with exacting analysis and insight that ranges from the highest level of planning and command to the combat experience of the common soldier. As closely observed and vividly described as each assault is, Smith’s book also puts the sum of these battles into the larger context of the Vicksburg campaign, as well as the entire war."
The six-day period covered by the book is addressed over nearly 400 pages of narrative and supported by 15 original maps. Content emphasis is overwhelmingly placed on the latter part of the week, so readers should expect only a cursory look at the May 17 Battle of Big Black River Bridge, the Confederate mini-catastrophe that left the direct road to Vicksburg wide open. The subject matter covered combined with the fact that Smith never disappoints make this one a must-read (for me, anyway).
Drew: Looking forward to your review. I believe that Tim covered Big Black River in more detail in an essay in one of the SIU volumes.