Saturday, February 22, 2020

Coming Soon (March '20 Edition)

*NEW RELEASES* Scheduled for March 2020:
Atlanta's Fighting Forty-Second: Joseph Johnston's "Old Guard" by Roberts & Clark.
The Cornfield: Antietam's Bloody Turning Point by David Welker.
War and Peace on the Rio Grande Frontier, 1830–1880 by Miguel Ángel González-Quiroga.
Obstinate Heroism: The Confederate Surrenders after Appomattox by Steven Ramold.
Not Even Past: The Stories We Keep Telling about the Civil War by Cody Marrs.
North Carolina Troops 1861-1865: A Roster, Volume 21: Militia and Home Guard ed. by Brown & Coffey.
The Irish Brigade: A Pictorial History of the Famed Civil War Fighters by Russ Pritchard.
Andersonville Raiders: Yankee versus Yankee in the Civil War’s Most Notorious Prison Camp by Gary Morgan.

Comments: Again, next month won't be a big one for new releases. Nearly twenty years since the publication of his Chantilly book, the return of David Welker is interesting. I've posted about the Roberts & Clark, Quiroga, and Ramold books before. The release of the Pritchard book is strategically timed to the week before St. Patrick's Day. Getting down to militia and home guards usually means your epic series is winding down, so perhaps the North Carolina roster project is nearing completion. Finally, my mental image of the Andersonville "Raiders" who preyed upon their fellow prisoners is heavily influenced by what I saw on the TNT mini-series way back when. The description of Morgan's book clearly states that a revisionist view of men and events will be presented.

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