Sunday, October 30, 2022

Coming Soon (November '22 Edition)

**NEW RELEASES1** Scheduled for NOV 2022:

Union Warriors at Sunset: The Lives of Twenty Commanders After the War by Allie Stuart Povall.
The Last Fire-Eater: Roger A. Pryor and the Search for a Southern Identity by William Link.
The Democratic Collapse: How Gender Politics Broke a Party and a Nation, 1856-1861 by Lauren Haumesser.
Navigating Liberty: Black Refugees and Antislavery Reformers in the Civil War South by John Cimprich.
Civil War Generals of Indiana by Carl Kramer.
Lady Rebels of Civil War Missouri by Larry Wood.
No Place for a Woman: Harriet Dame's Civil War by Mike Pride.
Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War: The Union Army by Adam Mendelsohn.
African Americans, Death, and the New Birth of Freedom: Dying Free during the Civil War and Reconstruction by Ashley Towle.
Plants in the Civil War: A Botanical History by Judith Sumner.

Comments: Link's Pryor book received a bit of an early release (see its Booknotes entry here), and the Povall book is also out already, though that one hasn't arrived here yet.

1 - These monthly release lists are not meant to be exhaustive compilations of non-fiction releases. They do not include non-revised/expanded reprints of previously published books, special editions not distributed to reviewers, and digital-only titles. Works that only tangentially address the war years are also generally excluded. Inevitably, one or more titles on this list will get a rescheduled release (and they do not get repeated later), so revisiting the past few "Coming Soon" posts is the best way to pick up stragglers.