Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Coming Soon (June '23 Edition)

Scheduled for JUNE 20231:

Agents of Empire: The First Oregon Cavalry and the Opening of the Interior Pacific Northwest during the Civil War by James Jewell.
Heavy Marching: The Civil War Letters of Lute Moseley, 22nd Wisconsin ed. by Sara DeLuca.
Horse Soldiers at Gettysburg: The Cavalryman’s View of the Civil War’s Pivotal Campaign by Daniel Murphy.
The Governor's Pawns: Hostages and Hostage-Taking in Civil War West Virginia by Randall Gooden.
A Civil War Road Trip of a Lifetime: Antietam, Gettysburg, and Beyond by John Banks.
Muskets & Springfields: Wargaming the American Civil War 1861-1865 by Nigel Emsen.
Righting the Longstreet Record at Gettysburg: Six Matters of Controversy and Confusion by Cory Pfarr.
The Battle of Gettysburg 1863 (2): The Second Day by Timothy Orr.
In the Shadow of the Round Tops: Longstreet's Countermarch, Johnston's Reconnaissance, and the Enduring Battles for the Memory of July 2, 1863 by Allen Thompson.
Detour to Disaster: General John Bell Hood's "Slight Demonstration" at Decatur and the Unravelling of the Tennessee Campaign by Noel Carpenter.

Several of these June titles received early releases, and their Booknotes entries (for Jewell, Murphy, Gooden, and Orr) have been logged into the site already. I am reading Gooden's book right now, and it places quite an enlightening spotlight on a controversial war measure practiced by both sides. With another Gettysburg anniversary fast approaching, Old Pete will be revisited quite a bit next month, too. I would highly recommend the Carpenter book. Back in 2008, I reviewed the privately published (with very limited distribution) 2007 first edition, and I am very curious to see what SB does with it. Given the publisher's past record of revamped re-releases, I am assuming, at the very least, that it is reformatted to fit the SB style and has newly commissioned maps.

On a current note, the publication date of the revised edition of Cutrer's Theater of a Separate War: The Civil War West of the Mississippi River, 1861–1865 was pushed back so many times that outright cancellation seemed possible, but I am happy to report that it was finally released earlier this month. The first edition's problems were legion, and I will be very interested in finding out how thoroughly the text was re-vetted by UNCP.

1 - These monthly release lists are not meant to be exhaustive compilations of non-fiction releases. They do not include non-revised/expanded reprints of previously published books, special editions not distributed to reviewers, and digital-only titles. Works that only tangentially address the war years are also generally excluded. Inevitably, one or more titles on this list will get a rescheduled release (and they do not get repeated later), so revisiting the past few "Coming Soon" posts is the best way to pick up stragglers.

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