Sunday, January 28, 2024

Coming Soon (February '24 Edition)

Scheduled for FEB 20241:

Never Such a Campaign: The Battle of Second Manassas by Welch & Pawlak.
Unforgettables: Winners, Losers, Strong Women, and Eccentric Men of the Civil War Era by John Waugh.
Virginia Secedes: A Documentary History by Dwight Pitcaithley.
Adelbert Ames, the Civil War, and the Creation of Modern America by Michael Megelsh.
Combee: Harriet Tubman, the Combahee River Raid, and Black Freedom during the Civil War by Edda Fields-Black.
The Army under Fire: The Politics of Antimilitarism in the Civil War Era by Cecily Zander.
Litchfield County and the Civil War by Peter Vermilyea.
The Fabric of Civil War Society: Uniforms, Badges, and Flags, 1859–1939 by Shae Cox.
Guerrilla Warfare in Civil War Kentucky: Volume II - Legacy of the Irregulars by Gerald Fischer.

Comments: It appears that the two SB titles at the top of the list have already been released.

1 - These monthly release lists are not meant to be exhaustive compilations of non-fiction releases. They do not include reprints that are not significantly revised/expanded, special editions not distributed to reviewers, children's books, and digital-only titles. Works that only tangentially address the war years are also generally excluded. Inevitably, one or more titles on this list will get a rescheduled release (and they do not get repeated later), so revisiting the past few "Coming Soon" posts is the best way to pick up stragglers.