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Friday, October 18, 2024

Update on Krick's Gaines's Mill study

Robert E.L. Krick's Gaines's Mill and Frank O'Reilly's Malvern Hill books are two of CWBA's most highly anticipated releases. Both have been gestating for a very long time, but we've finally received some clarity on the former. Thanks goes to a pair of long-time site readers, Pete H. and John F., for sharing their recon.

The news brings some surprises. That the Gaines's Mill project will be two volumes is unexpected, but the publishing route taken, a partnership with the American Battlefield Trust, is the bigger surprise of the two. John sent me this link: It reveals that Krick's The Battle of Gaines's Mill: Volume 1 - To the Banks of the Chickahominy will be, for a limited time, given as a gift by the Trust as a thank you for a $100 or more donation to their Gaines’ Mill Cold Harbor Saved Forever Campaign, which needs an additional $500K to meet its goals (see the link above for more details). Its release is slated for sometime in early 2025.

Whether the book will also be made available for standalone purchase is unknown at this time (at least by me). If memory serves, other ABT-affiliated "gift" books have received general releases. Two recent ones that come to mind are the eastern and western theater ABT atlases that were published through an outfit called Knox Press.

I wonder if spreading the material across two volumes means that Beaver Dam Creek will also be examined in some detail. Who knows. Again, thanks to John and Pete for bringing this to my attention. [edit (10/19): I've been informed (see comment below) that the books will be in hardcover format, so to head off any confusion I've removed the original ABT cover image of it on this post as it depicts a paperback version]


  1. This is excellent news! Glad to hear that this has come to completion. Hopefully we get some news in 2025 regarding Malvern Hill. I too posed the question on whether this would be available to the general public on CWTF. Hopefully they do. I definitely do not want to miss out on this one.

  2. Drew: After I forwarded the link, I received a mailing that - contrary to the image ABT has in the link - each volume will be hardcover and c. 500 pages. It also suggests that ABT gets its copies first before it is up for sale "online". As for the O'Reilly book, a poster on an internet forum who apparently has contact with the author states that the manuscript is in the editing/"peer feedback" process.

    1. John: I'll just remove the image. Thanks for the updates!

    2. Is the Gaines’s Mill book being published by someone else or ABT directly? Another poster on the forum states that this is being published by American Battlefield Trust.

  3. John G. The mailing I received states that the book is currently in the process of going to "the publishers". Make of that what you will. They're extremely skilled at raising money - not so much at marketing books.

    1. Will have to admit, seeing a thin softcover volume in the pictures on ABT surprised me a little, in an uneasy way. Good to hear that they are heftier hardcover tomes. Looking forward to its release next year. Just hope that they are readily available to the public.


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