Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Spring/Summer 2010 UP Catalogs

I gleaned the following Civil War-related releases from the available Spring/Summer university press catalogs for the coming year:


Alabama has a wealth of titles coming out. We've all read innumerable anecdotes about a wounded or cornered soldier flashing the Masonic sign of distress (whatever that is), the immediate result of which is mercy at the hands of an enemy Mason. Now, we finally have a scholarly study of the phenomenon. The Columbus study sounds really good (the author provided a TOC in an earlier post). Lewis's book looks to do for Zachary Taylor's campaign what Timothy Johnson did for Scott's Mexico City campaign.

* The Better Angels of Our Nature: Freemasonry in the American Civil War
by Michael A. Halleran

* A Small but Spartan Band: The Florida Brigade in Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia
by Zack C. Waters and James C. Edmonds

* Columbus, Georgia, 1865: The Last True Battle of the Civil War
by Charles A. Misulia

* Trailing Clouds of Glory: Zachary Taylor’s Mexican War Campaign and His Emerging Civil War Leaders
by Felice Flanery Lewis

* The Good Men Who Won the War: Army of the Cumberland Veterans and Emancipation
by Robert E. Hunt

* Recollections of War Times By An Old Veteran while under Stonewall Jackson and Lieutenant General James Longstreet
by William A. McClendon, edited by Keith S. Bohannon


The Gamecocks will have a trio of edited letter collections available.

* Faith, Valor, and Devotion: The Civil War Letters of William Porcher DuBose
Edited by W. Eric Emerson and Karen Stokes

* A Palmetto Boy: Civil War–Era Diaries and Letters of James Adams Tillman
Edited by Bobbie Swearingen Smith

* Twilight on the South Carolina Rice Fields: Letters of the Heyward Family, 1862–1871
Edited by Margaret Belser Hollis and Allen H. Stokes


They took the season off, just like the Cornhusker offense


Joe Reinhart, with his writing, editing, and translation work, has done as much as anyone to bring the experiences of northern German soldiers to Civil War scholars and readers.

* Northerners at War: Reflections on the Civil War Home Front
by J. Matthew Gallman

* A German Hurrah!: Civil War Letters of Friedrich Bertsch and Wilhelm Stängel, 9th Ohio Infantry
Translated and edited by Joseph R. Reinhart


* My Old Confederate Home: A Respectable Place for Civil War Veterans
by Rusty Williams

* Lincoln on Trial: Southern Civilians and the Law of War
by Burrus M. Carnahan


I've been wondering what Kenneth Noe has been up to in terms of his next book project. Now I know. Other topics that have received a good amount of scholarly attention in recent years (see esp. Bowman and Bynum below) are also covered.

* At the Precipice: Americans North and South during the Secession Crisis
by Shearer Davis Bowman

* The Long Shadow of the Civil War: Southern Dissent and Its Legacies
by Victoria E. Bynum

* Reluctant Rebels: The Confederates Who Joined the Army after 1861
by Kenneth W. Noe

* Confederate Minds: The Struggle for Intellectual Independence in the Civil War South
by Michael T. Bernath

* The Bravest of the Brave: The Correspondence of Stephen Dodson Ramseur
Edited by George G. Kundahl


* Yankee Warhorse: A Biography of Major General Peter J. Osterhaus
by Mary Bobbitt Townsend


I am looking forward to Schafer's updating and expansion on his earlier work on the Civil War in Jacksonville.

* Thunder on the River: The Civil War in Northeast Florida
by Daniel L. Schafer


SIUP's essay compilation series dealing with western theater military campaigns gets its next entry.

* The Chickamauga Campaign
Edited by Steven Woodworth


No doubt inspired by the Reed classic, naval historian Craig Symonds's new book is a collection of ten essays. From the publisher's description: "Presented in chronological order, each essay illuminates an aspect of combined operations during a time of changing technology and doctrine."

* Union Combined Operations in the Civil War
Edited by Craig Symonds

* The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory
Edited by Harold Holzer, Craig L. Symonds, and Frank J. Williams

* The Great Task Remaining Before Us: Reconstruction as America's Continuing Civil War
Edited by Paul A. Cimbala, and Randall M. Miller

* Freedwomen and the Freedmen's Bureau: Race, Gender, and Public Policy in the Age of Emancipation
by Mary Farmer-Kaiser


If you are interested in the many Civil War battles that took place along the entire length of the Arkansas River Valley during 1863, then UOP has the book for you (and me).

* Civil War Arkansas 1863: The Battle for a State
by Mark K. Christ


  1. Re: Nebraska, even with their Stone Age offense, they should have won that game. 1 second.

    Good list of books. I'm looking forward to the Bynum title, and the Arkansas book you highlighted. Likewise the Woodworth collection on Chickamauga.

    I wonder if Symonds is improving upon Reed's classic work on combined operations. Whatever the case, his work is usually worthwhile.

    The Osterhaus bio sounds interesting too.


  2. Hello Drew

    Thanks for the information. Hopefully you will soon have some information from LSU and Univ. Tenn. Not sure if Gordon Rhea's final book in his Overland Campaign will be released in the spring or fall, but it should be 2010.

    I'm still anxiously awaiting news on the new series UT is going to offer that Gary Joiner will be involved with. Hopefully, they will start this spring.

    Looking forward to the Florida Brigade book. Not very much done on Florida troops. Also looking forward to the biography from Missouri and the Arkansas book from OU.

    Don Hallstrom

  3. David,
    It is unbelievable how they find a way to lose to Texas the last four times.

    I made a mistake on my listing of the Symonds book. It is actually an edited essay collection.

  4. Don,
    Rhea's book isn't in LSU Spring/Summer line up, so it looks to be Fall at the earliest.

  5. University of Tennessee Press is announcing several Civil War titles in their catalog.

  6. The catalog still isn't up, so I'll be interested in seeing what's there beside the Harvard Confederates book. It's been almost two years since UT Press has sent me a book, so I don't know if I'll be able to get any of them anyway.


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