• Held in Highest Esteem by All: The Civil War Letters of William B. Chilvers, 95th Illinois Infantry edited by Thomas A. Pressly, III and Gary D. Joiner (State House Pr, 2018).

Editors Pressly and Joiner fill Held in Highest Esteem by All: The Civil War Letters of William B. Chilvers, 95th Illinois Infantry with maps, photographs, and abundant supporting narrative. They also extensively annotate the Chilvers material. In the appendix section are unit and personal chronologies, a regimental index, and a list of other 95th Ill. diarists and letter writers.
Chilvers's "letters and the editors’ research tell stories of massacres, combat, and idealism in the face of the brutal realities of war. Will Chilvers and the 95th Illinois Infantry fought to victory, but his experience transcends mere combat and instead reveals the development of a remarkable man whose compassion and humanity rose above the ugliness of the Civil War."
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