Sourced largely from his book Confederate Arkansas, Dougan's familiar article traces the actions of the secession convention, and how the firing on Fort Sumter and Lincoln's call for volunteers dramatically altered the mindset of its members toward secession. In word and tone, he leaves no doubt about his personal distaste for Arkansas's Democratic Party leadership and their political machinations.
Frank's chapter recounts how the many ways that Arkansas women, shut out of the more direct political process, sought to further the particular cause they believed in. This was done through a variety of means, including domestic industry, formation of local aid societies, attendance at political events, and social ostracism of recalcitrant voters or hesitant military volunteers.
Investigating the reasons why Arkansas men volunteered for the Confederate army in the fevered atmosphere of 1861, historian Carl Moneyhon closely examined the writings from soldiers belonging to four representative infantry companies. He found little evidence that ideology was a primary factor in leading individuals to enlist. Instead, Moneyhon determined that their sense of "duty" stemmed less from moral or abstract political concerns than from defense of home and community from the prospect of invasion. His research also places individual glory seeking and the personal determination that war would be a grand adventure high on the hierarchical list of motivating factors.
Thomas DeBlack's essay, while it may not add a great deal of new interpretation to our current understanding of Arkansas unionists, does remind us that pro-Union sentiment was not regionally confined, but was a powerful force throughout the state that only grew in boldness and sentiment as the war dragged on. In the final chapter, a summary of Arkansas's participation in the southern victory at the Battle of Wilson's Creek is provided by William Garrett Piston.
Meshing well with a minimum of content overlap between contributors, Christ's compilation does a fine job of highlighting the great variety of political and military views and contributions to be found among Arkansas's divided citizenry. The Die is Cast is recommended reading for anyone interested in what motivated southern Americans to go to war in 1861, and all Arkansas libraries would do well to stock this slim yet useful volume.
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