The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
E-Newsletter is a great regular source for Civil War news from the state. The latest one (7/21) includes a
link to the complete published report [a large 139 page .pdf file] for a Camden Campaign preservation plan. At least for me, with this paper, the battlefields of Elkin’s Ferry, Prairie D’Ane, and Moscow Church are specifically located and mapped in published form for the first time.
[So far, the best narrative account of this campaign remains Michael J. Forsyth's
The Camden Expedition of 1864 and the Opportunity Lost by the Confederacy to Change the Civil War
(Ed Bearss's out of print
Steele's Retreat from Camden and The Battle of Jenkins' Ferry
covers only the latter part of the campaign)].
Speaking of Arkansas related battles and books, congratulations are in order to Mark Christ, whose
Civil War Arkansas 1863: The Battle for a State just won the 2010 Douglas Southall Freeman History Award.
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