The rest of the book primarily consists of personal stories related to the city's Civil War history. One chapter covers the saga of the crew manning the Confederate privateer Jefferson Davis and another a history of slavery and emancipation in St. Augustine. Additional sections explore the connections of famous civilians and military figures to the city. Among these St. Augustine natives, visitors, or transplants profiled in the book are Mary Lincoln, John Hay, Franklin W. Smith, U.S. Grant, Stephen Vincent Benet [grandfather and namesake of the famous writer and poet], Edmund J. Davis, William J. Hardee, Martin D. Hardin, W.W. Loring, John M. Schofield, and Edmund Kirby Smith. Redd also includes a fairly detailed walking and driving tour of Civil War related sites in the town. Both the tour section and the main text are supported by numerous modern and period photographs.
All of the above comprises a pretty conventional picture of local history format and content. Where the author departs from the expected is in the depth and quality of his study's bibliography, one more akin to those found in academic monographs than works of popular history. Appendices include a copy of the Florida Ordinance of Secession, a roster of the St. Augustine Blues (Company B, Third Florida Infantry), and a list of St. Augustine Confederates killed during the war. What's missing is a map of city itself, a common and unfortunately failing of many studies of this type.
St. Augustine is famous for being the oldest continually occupied European settlement in North America and residents have likely been far more exposed to the town's Spanish colonial history than its Civil War past. Redd's book should serve as a useful tool for locals to explore their city's 1861-65 related sites and experiences. Historically minded visitors can also benefit from the well written general narrative and tour sections.
Thank you for the kind words Drew. I appreciate your taking time to read my book. I would agree that a modern map of the city would have been of value and this is an area I will give more attention in future writing.