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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Gettysburg Cyclorama

I regret never visiting the Gettysburg Cyclorama during my two (yes, only two) visits to the battlefield. The upcoming The Gettysburg Cyclorama: The Turning Point of the Civil War on Canvas isn't the first book on the subject but it does promise to be the deepest treatment yet. Of course, there's more to the whole cyclorama phenomenon than just Gettysburg. Someone should write a book about that.


  1. Thanks Drew. I live in California, and have been there a dozen times, and you twice? Maybe we need to meet there one day?

    This book includes so much material I had never heard about, with wonderful photos, etc. It is a lot more than simply "This is the painting . . ." It won me over in about 5 minutes of review. The authors did a masterful job.

    Thanks, as always, for helping keep independent publishing alive and me off the streets.

    Ted Savas
    Savas Beatie LLC

  2. Yes, the impressive battle cycloramas of Atlanta, Borodino, and Waterloo should be looked at in more depth.



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