1. The 14th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, of the Gregg- McGowan Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia by Robert K. Krick (Broadfoot Pub. Co., 2009). The first four volumes of the South Carolina regimental roster series (patterned after the venerable H.E. Howard Virginia series) have been released, with three more scheduled for publication this winter. Brett S. is reviewing all four this month on TOCWOC. This particular volume contains a brief unit history penned by Krick plus a detailed roster of 1,560 names.
2. Rebel Storehouse: Florida in the Confederate Economy
3. General M. Jeff Thompson's Letter Book, July 1861-June 1862 transcribed by James E. McGhee (Two Trails Publishing, 2004). I'm not sure where this one is obtainable anymore. It's out of print, and I think I picked up Camp Pope's last copy.
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